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Fighting the Double Chin with Belkyra Injections

Author: Daniel Evans
Fighting the Double Chin with Belkyra Injections

Safe, FDA-approved injectables for appearance correction are becoming more and more popular in the aesthetic medicine sphere. They are much safer than the invasive surgeries we are used to, not to mention this option is more affordable and effective. Today’s article is dedicated to the Belkyra brand – an excellent choice to noticeably eliminate fat under the chin and improve facial contours.

This information will be useful for both medical specialists and patients, so continue reading to refresh or enrich your knowledge about this topic. If you are a board-certified professional wanting to buy Belkyra or buy other dermal fillers online from a reliable supplier in Europe, visit MedEuroStore’s main page to see all available products in stock.

What Is Belkyra Injection Treatment?

Belkyra is also known as deoxycholic acid or bile acid. This substance works well in the dietary fat breakdown, and so it’s typically used to destroy fat cells in the target area (the chin is one of the most common zones for this treatment).

This option is a safe alternative to plastic surgeries typically used for double chin reduction; the best thing about it is the process’s safety and speed (it doesn’t last longer than 30 minutes). Small injections of this brand are administered under the skin to break down stubborn fat cells, which are later eliminated naturally from the body. Below, we are going to describe this process in more detail.

The Product’s Working Principle

As was already mentioned here, Belkyra injections for subcutaneous fat contain deoxycholic acid (DA), which is incredibly helpful for fat breakdown and absorption. As DA is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body, it’s much safer than most products for fat reduction available on the market.

Specialists recommend this product to reduce fullness and excess fat cells under the chin, this way providing better contouring to the jawline. Multiple injections are involved in the procedure to spread Belkyra evenly under the skin and ensure it reaches everywhere its effect is needed; sometimes, a specialist massages the area after the administration session to help the solution start acting faster. As for the effectiveness, up to two weeks are demanded to see the first results and notice the decrease of severe double chins. After fully dissolved, submental fat will be cleared into the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

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Am I a Good Candidate for the Injection Belkyra?

Belkyra is the best option for individuals who need a solution for very large double chins; it helps “sharpen” the appearance, improve facial features, and remove stubborn fat cell that spoils one’s overall looks.

In general, people age 18 to 65 may consider this injectable treatment as a safe option. Mid to moderate chin fullness is typically the main indication for Belkyra. Mind that it’s recommended not to use this brand if other fat reduction procedures were recently performed on the target area; if it’s been a long time since the last treatment, it’s better to consult with a doctor to ensure no complications will occur after the session. It would also be excellent to discuss the administration session and the main aesthetic goals with a specialist in advance to ensure Belkyra is the correct method to remove fat from underneath the chin.

Known Limitations

As with all injectables in the cosmetic beauty sphere, Belkyra has certain limitations that should be mentioned before the treatment. This way, preventing severe post-injection complications and protecting patients’ well-being is easier. So, what are the main contraindications for this brand?

  • Known hypersensitivity to the Belkyra components;
  • Infections, damages, or irritations in the target spot;
  • Blood-clotting disorders;
  • Present severe health complications;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Mind that some individuals should use this product with caution, as it’s unknown how it affects people with such health conditions as cardiovascular diseases, bleeding disorders, renal or hepatic impairment, etc.

Is Belkyra Treatment Expensive?

In order to find out the price for this FDA-approved injectable treatment, it’s important to talk to a medical professional and come up with an individual procedure plan for a person, as Belkyra’s cost varies based on numerous factors. Some of the most common ones are a clinic’s location, a professional’s experience, the size of the treated zone, the number of Belkyra units required to see the improvement, and others. On average, the price varies between $600 and $1,200, but it’s always possible to look for a specialist who offers discounts for their services.

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More About Side Effects and Aftercare

During the treatment, patients shouldn’t expect pain or severe discomfort; usually, a topical anesthetic is applied to the treated zone, so even the needle pricks can’t be felt during the Belkyra administration.

All patients should be ready for side effects, which are typical for all types of injection procedures. But don’t worry, these are not harmful and are usually gone after a few days. We are talking about topical irritations, like minimal discomfort, redness, swelling, itching, and bruising. Some individuals may also notice increased skin sensitivity in the treated spot, so it’s better to be careful with it to avoid unwanted pain. And, of course, be aware of complications; even though they are rare, some individuals still experience them, so pay attention to such symptoms as difficulty swallowing, breathing, swollen tongue or throat, and other signs of severe allergies. As soon as these are noticed, a doctor should be informed to take them under control immediately.

As for aftercare recommendations, these are pretty simple:

  • Don’t use any medications with blood-thinning abilities before Belkyra.
  • Avoid overheated places.
  • Don’t rub the treated zone not to provoke the filler migration.

It’s also a good idea to eliminate strenuous activities and let your body rest for some time to recover much faster. In case there are any worries about the post-Belkyra healing journey, it’s always better to discuss it with a specialist to calm down and have a wonderful experience.Double Chin with Belkyra Injections

To Sum Up: Belkyra Injections for Double Chin

Belkyra is a safe minimally-invasive procedure to deal with double chin and improve overall facial contour. Thanks to its composition, severe adverse reactions are rare; typically, local irritations and swelling are experienced, and it’s something anyone can deal with. If you are interested in this procedure, make sure to look for an experienced medical specialist and discuss it with them; the appearance of your dreams is closer than you think!

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