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How Long Does Profhilo Last?


What are the most prominent signs of one’s skin aging? Wrinkles, excessive skin sagginess, dryness? The truth is each person is different when it comes to aging, but one thing remains universal for everyone – with age, natural elastin and collagen production slows down, and people may notice an unusual dullness in their appearances. To prevent this problem, they often choose skin booster treatments to support the skin’s natural health; it’s different from a traditional dermal filler treatment, as the main goal of this procedure is to boost vital processes in the body and achieve better looks this way, instead of restoring lost volume, filling in creases, and dealing with excessive skin sagginess.

One of the most popular skin boosters we’d like to discuss today is Profhilo; even though this injectable is often referred to as a dermal filler, it mainly belongs to the revitalizers category. Today’s article is dedicated to the way it works, the problems the brand can solve, as well as how exactly people may benefit from it. Join us in this exciting discussion!


Profhilo is available for purchase on the MedEuroStore website. If you are a licensed specialist and want to order Profhilo online here, visit the Profhilo webpage and add the needed items to your cart to buy them with a few simple clicks. 

Lovely girl with Delicate Skin

The Ways Profhilo Treatment Can Boost the Appearance

As we have already mentioned, Profhilo belongs to skin booster aesthetic treatments. The solution contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, meaning it’s perfect for individuals with dehydrated, dull skin that needs support from within. Unlike other HA-based injectables intended to fill fine lines, Profhilo reaches deep layers of the dermis, enriching it with all the vital components and stimulating elastin and collagen production to show a decent, long-lasting improvement.

The minimal dose for the injection session is 2ml, and it’s divided evenly throughout three to five regions on the facial surface; sometimes, a specialist may massage the target zones to spread the substance evenly under the skin. Some of the best dermal fillers are not able to provide such natural-looking and subtle results as Profhilo, so no wonder specialists worldwide choose this brand to use in their practice.

Hyaluronic Acid Can Do Magic for the Skin!

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the body; its main task is to maintain a proper hydration level. If a person is lacking it, they may notice unwanted skin flakiness, dryness, and general dullness, which is definitely not beneficial for their appearance. So, hyaluronic acid fillers and HA-based skin boosters are perfect for people with various cosmetic requests when it comes to aesthetic treatments.

After the administration session, injected hyaluronic acid molecules attract moisture, thus making the target zone plumper and glowing. HA injectable treatment may also be helpful for people with osteoarthritis: the gel acts as a cushion between the affected joints, thus reducing painful sensations during movement.

How Many Sessions Are Required to See the Improvement?

One of the most popular questions asked during the consultation in the doctor’s office is how many treatments are required to see a decent Profhilo effect. On average, people need three Profhilo sessions spread over the month to let the active ingredients accumulate in the body and boost all the essential processes. Even though two procedures are enough for some individuals, raising the number to three is preferable to infuse enough active components into the system. Profhilo injection is the ideal treatment for individuals who just noticed the first aging signs; with its help, minor lines and creases, as well as skin saginess, can be removed when they just start forming.

How Long Does a Profhilo Effect Last?

Just like with other treatments, Profhilo’s longevity varies from patient to patient. To know how long does Profhilo last, some essentials about the person should be considered, for example, their lifestyle, the initial skin condition, the cosmetic request, their age, and some other crucial details. All of those should be considered during the consultation with a medical professional.

Once the Profhilo treatment is over, fantastic results become noticeable straight away; still, some time is required for the solution to boost collagen and elastin production properly. After that, a patient should return to the clinic approximately every six months for maintenance treatments. The best thing about the Profhilo injectable is that people need fewer sessions to support the effect once it’s accumulated in the body. A decent amount of collagen and elastin are produced to maintain one’s young-looking skin, and yearly administration procedures are required to keep the dermis smooth and firm.

Factors Affecting Profhilo Results

In case you are curious about the longevity of other aesthetic treatments, visit one of our most popular articles – How Long Does Juvederm Last and What Are the Ways to Prolong It? We have included all the essentials about non-surgical skin improvement and the way fillers work for one’s appearance boost. 

The effect of the Profhilo skin booster can sometimes be affected by factors we will briefly mention in this paragraph. Warn your customers about these:

  • General health. One’s initial health condition affects skin quality greatly. Individuals with good health will more likely experience a long-lasting Profhilo improvement. In contrast, those with poor health will notice the effect fading away faster;
  • The severity of the skin problems. People with deeper lines, excessively sagging skin, and extreme hollowness in facial areas may not achieve the results they expect with Profhilo. They will probably need to combine this solution with other cosmetic treatments to use the highest concentrations of the active substance and deal with all the present problems before starting the revitalization process.

To ensure the results last a little longer, patients can remember a few simple recommendations and try to incorporate them into their lifestyle. For example, it’s helpful to reduce alcohol and tobacco intake, as these bad habits increase the speed of Profhilo disintegration and block the proper production of elastin and collagen. It’s also recommended to reconsider one’s eating habits, work on the sleeping schedule, and stay active. Sometimes, specialists combine Profhilo with other dermal fillers to make the effect last longer, as well as to reach better rejuvenating results.

WORTH KNOWING: Are you curious about Revolax and eager to learn more? Explore our article, “What is Revolax?” for a comprehensive overview that will provide you with valuable insights into this cosmetic treatment, helping you make informed decisions about its uses and benefits.

The Final Word: Profhilo and Its Longevity

Profhilo is one of the best hyaluronic acid-based treatments when it comes to skin revitalization and its general health boost. With the help of two to three treatment sessions, specialists can help people achieve unbelievable results in a short time and without undergoing complicated cosmetic surgeries with durable recovery and unreversible effects. A high concentration of HA in the brand’s composition makes it possible to easily maintain youthful looks, make the skin firm and glowing, as well as smooth out all the tiniest imperfections, like post-acne scars or discoloration.

If the treatment is repeated yearly, patients may enjoy positive changes for around twelve months; however, if the process is repeated regularly, it can be repeated less often. The optimal frequency and Profhilo dose should be calculated by a medical professional during the consultation in the clinic. In case there are any questions about the product or the way it should be used, asking all the questions during the first step is essential. On this note, today’s discussion is finished. Stay safe!

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