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Sculptra for Buttocks Before and After

Author: Daniel Evans
sculptra for buttocks before and after

Cosmetic treatments have become an essential part of many people’s lives. As a non-invasive alternative to plastic surgeries, its popularity is self-explanatory; just think about it, you can boost your appearance without undergoing complicated procedures, going through a tedious and long-lasting recovery period, and spending a ridiculous amount of money. Injectable fillers are among the most common options to improve one’s looks, and they are so much more than just removing facial wrinkles. Today, we would like to talk about the Sculptra filler before and after, as well as how it can be used for butt lift procedures. Yes, you’ve read it correctly – improving your figure without going under the surgeon’s knife is possible!

To buy Sculptra online, you must be a specialist with a valid medical license. Otherwise, it can be considered illegal and dangerous for your potential customers. However, if you are a board-certified specialist, check out the products’ assortment on MedEuroStore and contact us to place an order now!

The Definition of Sculptra Treatment for Butt Lift

Sculptra – one of the most distinguished creations of the Galderma Laboratories company. Due to its revolutionary formula and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) used in the product’s base, Sculptra makes it possible to correct volume loss in the facial zone, as well as some body areas. Many individuals find this option rather attractive; a few cosmetic procedures – and you may forget about sagging skin for up to two years. And if Sculptra injections for the face are the same as all dermal fillers and are easy to understand, what about the butt lift treatment? What is it, and what does it look like in action?

Thanks to the high concentration of PLLA in Sculptra aesthetic, this product may be used for larger body areas (unlike other fillers). This option is generally selected as a non-surgical way to correct the asymmetry in the buttocks zone (usually, to make one buttock firmer and rounder), improve the general outlook, and help people deal with their insecurities regarding this body part.

Traditionally, doctors recommend surgical options to see the actual results; among the most popular variants are liposuction, implant insertion, and fat transfer). These options are more complicated and require a longer time to see the effect and recover completely. That’s why such treatments as Sculptra are preferable nowadays. 

To ensure this procedure can fulfill all individual’s needs, discussing it with a doctor beforehand is essential. Only an experienced professional can select the perfect product for the process, calculate its accurate dosage, and create an effective treatment plan for a patient.

Want to know what Actemra is? Then you just need to read our article Actemra Side Effects: What to Expect, which explains what it is and what the possible results are.

Is It Safe for Me to Use Sculptra for Buttocks?

Before choosing Sculptra as the best brand for such treated area as the buttocks, it’s crucial to ensure they can use this butt lift method safely and without post-injection complications. What are the main requirements for Sculptra candidates?

  • The overall health condition should be positive;
  • Realistic expectations are set for the injection session;
  • No diseases that may affect one’s body weight are present;
  • There is an understanding of certain Sculptra nuances (for example, more than one session is required to reach the goal).

After talking to a doctor and discussing desired individual results, the process may begin.

Butt Sculptra. Before and After

More youthful appearance and natural-looking beauty are definitely something people may expect from Sculptra treatments. Overall, various cosmetic goals can be reached with this brand; we would like to highlight the followings:

  • Fast treatment that requires minimal invasion;
  • Natura-looking appearance after a few injection sessions;
  • Minimal irritations afterward (swelling, bruising, increased skin sensitivity);
  • Painless administration (anesthesia may be used if needed);
  • Natural collagen growth in the body (so most patients experience general skin improvement);
  • Rare follow-up treatment (just one vial is required to maintain the results).

Is Sculptra for Buttocks Expensive?

In order to achieve noticeable results, just one procedure is not enough; in general, specialists recommend three-four sessions to reach the goal. To create a proper plan and calculate Sculptra dosage (and thus the price), it’s essential to have a pre-treatment consultation to discuss these nuances with a doctor.

However, we can give you the approximate numbers to answer the question of whether Sculptra is expensive. If we take the average of three injection sessions, on average, 5 vials of the injectable per buttock are required for a noticeable improvement. So, an individual will need up to 30 vials of the solution to reach set aesthetic goals, and the cost starts from $4000. Some other factors may affect this number, too: the clinic’s location, the doctor’s reputation, the size of the treatment zone, and numerous others. That’s why talking to a specialist is essential to understand the whole process better.

Looking for before and after photos of Belotero lip fillers? Check out Medeurostore’s blog post Lip Fillers from Belotero: Before and After for stunning transformations and helpful information on this popular dermal filler. Discover the benefits of Belotero, how it works, and what to expect during and after the treatment. Get inspired and book your appointment with a trusted injector today!Sculptra for Buttocks

What Happens During the Procedure?

Certain pieces of advice should be remembered to ensure the injection session is non-problematic and is not followed by complications. All of them are typically discussed in advance, but still, it’s better to recollect them in your mind to just refresh the memory:

  • It’s essential to eat well and stay hydrated before the procedure. Yes, the process itself is fast and not complicated, but it can still be stressful as needles are involved in the practice. So, taking care of yourself is crucial to not pass out during the appointment;
  • Lotions and creams shouldn’t be used too much before the injection session. It may be the reason for irritation and inflammation after the product is administered;
  • Go to the clinic in advance for extra time for the anesthetic to start working. A numbing cream is recommended to eliminate discomfort and ensure there are no painful sensations during the Sculptra injection;
  • Discuss aftercare with a doctor in advance to know how your body may react and when it’s time to get in touch with a specialist to book the next appointment. Individuals need a different amount of time to recover completely, so keep that in mind.

To Sum Up the Topic

Sculptra butt lift is an excellent procedure that works well as an alternative to plastic surgeries. It’s affordable, demonstrates excellent results, and can be helpful for people with various needs and desired aesthetic goals. Before deciding on this injectable, discussing this option with a specialist is highly recommended. Only in this way will it be possible to plan a safe and effective treatment!

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